IMPROVEMENT measures at a Borders school will be recommended for approval next week.

In December 2023, a team of inspectors from Education Scotland visited Ayton Primary School.

During their visit, the team talked to parents/carers and children and worked closely with the headteacher and staff.

The inspectors found much to praise and described the school as a “happy place to learn”.

Caring and nurturing relationships between all staff and children ensures children feel safe and engage well in learning.

And the headteacher provides strong leadership for the school community and is “driving forward school improvements well”.

Improvements in digital learning were also highlighted.

The inspection team did calls on the development  of a “robust strategic overview” of children’s additional support needs across the school.

Senior leaders also need to improve the recording and tracking of data and measure and close gaps in children’s learning more effectively.

The inspection team are confident that the school has capacity to continue to improve and they will make no further visits in connection with December’s inspection.

When members of Scottish Borders Council’s Education Performance Sub-Committee meet on Wednesday, January 23, they will be asked to agree the improvement measures.