A BORDERS hospital is facing "extreme pressures".

Borders General Hospital (BGH) is currently at capacity following a "very busy weekend".

The hospital's emergency department is "exceptionally busy" with a number of patients needing to be admitted.

In an effort to get the right care to patients, NHS Borders is encouraging people to seek the right medical care from the right place.

A spokesperson said: "Please remember that our staff are working as hard as they can and you will be seen according to clinical priority.

"Please be patient and polite.

"Unless it is a life threatening emergency before you attend the Emergency Department please call NHS 24 on 111 first and they will signpost you to the right place to get the advice or care that you need.

"You may need to wait a while for your call to be answered or for a member of the team to call you back, but this can be done in the comfort of your own home.

"If you do need to be seen you may be given an appointment time to minimise the time you need to spend in the department.

"This also reduces pressure on our team.

"If you think that your condition is immediately life threatening you should call 999."

The health board also asks that anyone who is unwell 'play their part' and stay home and not visit relatives in hospital.