GROUPS and organisations in the Borders are being encouraged to use art to tackle the stigma around mental health.

The Anti-Stigma Arts Fund, run by See Me – Scotland's programme to end mental health stigma and discrimination – is open to groups, individuals and organisations to help provide projects which support people affected by ill mental health.

Since being launched in 2021, the fund has successfully funded six projects around Scotland.

Grants of between £500 and £5,000 are available to applicants who propose arts projects in any medium.

Maeve Grindall, project officer for communities and priority groups at See Me, said: “Our first year of funding showed us the power of the arts and how creativity can tackle mental health stigma and discrimination.

“The groups involved were innovative and produced inspiring pieces that opened up the conversation on stigma, especially across a different range of communities and audiences.

“We’re excited to see what projects and ideas might come from our second year of funding, and placing a real emphasis on projects which aim to tackle mental health stigma and discrimination in the communities where it is most prevalent.”

Last year's projects included projects which involved young people, a community affected by suicide, people with severe and complex mental health conditions, transgender and non-binary people, and Chinese students exploring how different groups experience mental health discrimination.

In 2021, the projects created four films, one leaflet, one wellbeing pack, one comic book, a community questionnaire, a youth questionnaire, and a programme of therapeutic arts.

The sixth project from 2021, which works with the Gypsy/Traveller community, is now underway following coronavirus-related delays.

The deadline for applications for the 2022 fund is midnight on Sunday, November 6.

A spokesperson added: "See Me particularly welcomes applications from traditionally marginalised groups that might experience worse mental health outcomes, and it’s also open to any group that might experience poor mental health outcomes.

"Partnership working between organisations and creative practitioners is encouraged for these projects and you must be able to demonstrate in your application that you possess or can access the necessary skills to take the project forward. Projects must involve people with lived experience of mental health problems."

For more information and to apply to the fund, visit: